The two Asian capitals landed in first and second place respectively

Singapore and Tokyo took the lead among the world’s safest cities for tourists in Forbes Advisor’s most recent travel insurance report.
The report compared 60 cities throughout the world across seven key metrics, gauging them from January to June of this year.
Based on the findings, Singapore and Tokyo posed the lowest risk to travellers in terms of health and safety. Toronto, Canada came in third in the H1-2024 report.
Safely in Singapore
Singapore proved to be the safest city in the world for travellers, garnering a 0 out of 100 score for risks posed to individual safety.
Among the factors cited by researchers are the country’s extremely low risk for natural disasters, as well as how it ranks second in terms of health security risks thanks to the immediate availability of quality healthcare services and infrastructure.
Singapore also ranked second lowest in terms of overall infrastructure security risks. The country also poses very minimal risks regarding digital security as both locals and tourists can go online without fearing identity theft, online attacks, or even privacy violations.
The city with the best travel safety rating
While Tokyo scored 10.72 out of 100 with regard to risks to individual safety, the Japanese capital came away with the US State Department’s best travel safety rating of Level 1.
Like Singapore, Tokyo also posed the lowest risks in terms of health security. However, due to the volcanic nature of the Japanese archipelago and the nation’s earthquake-prone position in the Ring of Fire, the city only ranked fifth lowest with regard to infrastructure security risk.