If you are looking for a seamless solution for Hotel & Resort Management to enhance guest experience, then look no further! Agilysys Versa is an inclusive Hotel Property Management System (PMS) that offers a wide selection of features and utilities to captivate guests at your hotel or resort.
Key differentiators for Agilysys Versa
Agilysys Versa can run on-premises or in the cloud – It’s the same system. Other vendors typically run in one variation of the other so they either run on premise or they run in the cloud but not both.
Most other vendors only sell the PMS system. If a hotel wants to operate, for example, their restaurant bookings or spa bookings then they would buy a solution for these from different vendors and integrate them, through an API, to the PMS. The PMS vendor will promote this as a good thing. They will say that the hotel can buy any solution they wish for any other area of their property and then seamlessly integrate with the PMS – While this is partly true, the effort of integrating and then maintaining all these disparate products is not easy and falls upon the hotel to do this.
Agilysys Versa can work exactly like this if a hotel wishes, however, they also provide all the other solutions that would be needed across a hotel, and these are all pre-integrated and managed by them. It doesn’t fall on the hotel to ensure these all work together.

Data Protection and increased brand exposure
Property management systems (PMS) are not created equal, and while hospitality professionals are looking to technology to automate their operations, they need solutions that support guest engagement as well. Guests crave personalised service and Agilysys Versa delivers! Plus, protecting your guests’ financial data has never been more important. That’s why Versa also offers PCI-validated (P2PE) point-topoint encryption with every credit card transaction. Agilysys Versa seamlessly interfaces with Internet Distribution Systems (IDS), Online Travel Agents (OTA), and Global Distribution Systems (GDS), making your rooms available to more marketing channels and increasing brand exposure.
Boost your hotel performance!
Agilysys Versa offers a wide range of features and functionality, including front office operations, housekeeping, reservations management, digital room keys, and more. The sales & catering system is fully integrated, leveraging the PMS database to deliver real-time information between the front office and sales teams. A shared database supports centralised guest histories, multi-property reporting, travel agent management and seamless back office accounting. Unique to Versa, each property can adapt the software to meet their needs; customisable fields are created by individual locations for tracking the information that’s most important to them.

Easy to upsell with amenities
Because reservations made in any Agilysys Versa module can be booked at once, it’s easy to upsell and offer one-stop shopping to amenities like spa, golf and dining. The ability to store guest profiles facilitates personalised service while the built-in concierge provides up-to-date guest details quickly and easily.
Real-time availability
It’s easy to book a single room or multiple rooms at once with an appealing presentation of all the choices and amenities that guests want. Agilysys Book shows real-time availability to help drive that incremental revenue.
Secure document scanning and storage.
Integration with the Agilysys DataMagine document management system enables scanned licenses and passports to be archived and linked to guest IDs in Versa. Guest profiles are automatically updated.
Personalise with Agilysys Service
Digital Keys: Streamline operations with mobile check-in, room-ready messaging, and digital keys. A seamless check-in process places the guest in a positive mindset from the moment they arrive.
Express Kiosk: Enable more guest options and streamline the check-in and check-out process. No need to wait in line at the front desk.
Agilysys Service: Get instant notifications about guest requests from virtually any mobile device. Deliver service that exceeds the expectations of today’s guest.
Agilysys Golf: A Pro Shop and course management solution that maintains member profiles, including financials, handicaps and purchase histories.
Agilysys Spa: Manage all your spa operations – from scheduling services to managing staff.
Agilysys Retail: Easily setup and track inventory, sell items as part of your other services, and consolidate it all on the guest folio.
Agilysys Membership Management: Complete membership management with the ability to define date sensitive membership, food and beverage or other fee schedules.
Agilysys Comp Accounting: Quickly and easily link guests to their hotel accounts for evaluating comp decisions.
Agilysys Condo Accounting: Quickly and easily calculate the revenues, expenses and profit-sharing between condo owners and the management company.
Agilysys Sales and Catering: Ideal for account management, meeting room management and catering/banquet event order (BEO) management.

How will these systems help you grow your bottom lines?
Return on Experience (ROE)
Agilysys solutions maximise Return On Investment, as well as Return On Experience (ROE), a higher bar that takes into account the role of technology in creating engaged and empowered guests and staff. Guest ROE considers the returns gained from ensuring that every experience at every touchpoint leads to satisfied guests, while staff ROE considers the returns gained from equipping employees with the technology they need to perform at their best.

High Return Hospitality
High return hospitality is the idea that maximising Return on Experience (ROE) across every touchpoint will encourage guests to keep returning to a property. Repeat bookings are a hotel’s bread and butter. And, in challenging times, they become even more critical to sustaining a healthy bottom line. It is estimated that improving guest retention by as little as 5% can increase profits by up to 25%, so hoteliers will be keen to address the problem. But these loyal guests are more than just sources of revenue; they serve as pillars of support for the hospitality industry. These loyal customers often become effective ambassadors for the hotel, enthusiastically sharing their positive experiences with others, both offline and online, which serves as invaluable word of-mouth marketing to attract new customers.
So what are you waiting for? For the next era in Property Management Systems (PMS), go ahead and request a meeting with Agilysys Versa